
Recent ShortStack upgrades

Here’s a look at the latest platform upgrades that have been made to ShortStack. For more details on individual enhancements, check out our blog.

November 17, 2022

Custom Fields Can Again Be Hidden!

Back in the old times, right before we launched Field Widgets, we had removed the ability to make a custom field hidden after the Field Widget was created and saved – you could only hide a custom field when initially creating it. The ability to hide/unhide a custom field after it’s been saved has been restored! This option will show in the bottom-right corner of the Field Widget’s settings (a handy lil’ checkbox) for all custom field types.

November 9, 2022

Making Merges Easier Than Ever (In ShortStack, Not Driving)

If you’ve ever created an email in ShortStack or used one of our gamified templates, you know that merge codes can be very handy – but sometimes it isn’t super clear what merge code needs to be used where, or what merge code is even needed. A new change has been put in place to add some clarity and ease – the text editor in our Rich Text Widgets now includes a button named “Add Merge Code.” Click this button to include any merge codes relevant to the Field Widgets in your campaign (without having to memorize a dang thing)!

October 26, 2022

Filter, Then Delete

A small change, but powerful! You can now delete entries from the Entries Manager based on all the filters that have. been set – this was only previously allowed if you were filtered to a single list. Jump into your entries and give it a try!

October 24, 2022

Entry Profiles (for Exporting)

New to the site: entry profiles! These are lists of field mappings that give you control over what fields are selected, in what order they appear, and how they are named. These have been integrated into our export feature (and will roll out elsewhere on the site soon) – this allows you to control what information is included with your entries when you export them. This allows you to set what info is included with the entry export – even down to what the columns are named and in which order they appear in the spreadsheet.

October 12, 2022

Spin the wheel!

The new templates keep on coming – now introducing the Fortune Wheel template! If you’re looking to run a campaign that captures the essence of that popular wheel-based game show (that we won’t mention by name), this is the template for you! For an up-close demonstration of how the wheel works, check out our YouTube tutorial.

October 4, 2022

Easily Move Your Campaigns from S1 to S2

At long last, we have a tool that allows you to convert S1 campaigns to S2! You’ll now see an “Upgrade campaign to S1” option in the drop-down menu for your S1 campaigns. Clicking it opens a new tab that explains what’s going to happen, and gives you the same options you’d normally have when copying a campaign. Do note: themes and custom CSS will not be carried over to the copy, and any widgets no longer supported in S2 will not be copied to the new campaign.