
Recent ShortStack upgrades

Here’s a look at the latest platform upgrades that have been made to ShortStack. For more details on individual enhancements, check out our blog.

January 19, 2023

A New Trigger for the Form Container

A new trigger has been added to the Action Widget; it allows you to connect a Buttons Widget that moves an entrant to the next step in a multi-step form – and it also prevents moving to the next step if any of the fields in the current step are incomplete or invalid.

January 18, 2023

City, State, and Zip Split Up

The combined City/State/Zip field has been removed from the Field Widget options. In its place, you can now find individual City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code field types! This allows for further customization and flexibility with the design of your form, as well as the data you can collect.

December 6, 2022

Knowing Your Business = Better Help, More Templates

We want to help you the best we can when it comes to providing support and new kinds of templates for whatever campaigns you’re building, of all types. For this reason, we now collect your Company Name as part of our new account sign-up process.

December 5, 2022

Getting More Specific About Names

You may notice something slightly different when signing up for a new ShortStack account – you’ll now be asked to provide your first and last name in separate fields, whereas before there was a single “name” field. This allows us to keep slightly better/more accurate user records – thanks!

November 30, 2022

The Action Widget Gets More Actions

We’ve added support for a couple of new actions in the Action Widget. First – “Close Pop-Up” allows you to close a popped-up widget; of course, this is limited to widgets with pop-up visibility. “Change Page” will let you load your campaign to a particular page of your choice in the Paging Widget – not to be too redundant, but this is obviously limited to the Paging Widget.

November 29, 2022

Embedded Pop-Ups Are Looking SO Much Nicer

Embedded pop-ups used to be a little finicky regarding borders and extra whitespace. No more! Now, embedded pop-ups will render without any border or whitespace at all, and will also automatically resize themselves as the content inside them (your campaign) changes. The close button has also been moved to the upper-right corner of the screen. If you’re currently using an embedded pop-up on your site, you’ll need to go into your Campaign Builder and click “Publish Changes” to see the new behavior.