
Recent ShortStack upgrades

Here’s a look at the latest platform upgrades that have been made to ShortStack. For more details on individual enhancements, check out our blog.

September 14, 2022

Getting Nerdy with Query String Parameters

Are you looking to auto-fill a field (or fields) on your ShortStack form based on parameters you’ve set in a modified version of your campaign URL? We’ve got you covered (and if you have no idea what that all means – don’t worry about it)! We’ve added a new action in the Action Widget that allows you to set a field’s value using a query string parameter.

August 30, 2022

Time Zones, Round 2: Analytics

When viewing the analytics for campaigns or emails, you now have the option to select the time zone in which the data will be viewed. Another blow to potential time zone-based confusion!

August 30, 2022

Time Zone Selector Added to Entries Manager

The title really says it all – a time zone selector has now been added to the Entries Manager, so that you can view entry data based on the time zone you’ve selected. By default, the time zone will be set to the one selected in your account settings. Take that, potential time zone-based confusion!

August 30, 2022

Archiving Fields in Batches

We’ve added a batch action for archiving custom fields in the Field Library to be more consistent with our other resource manager views that support archiving. Unlike other similar resources, it has an interactive prompt to warn that archiving can’t be reversed for custom fields.

August 29, 2022

Press Play For Action

Sometimes updates aren’t massive – sometimes tiny tweaks deserve mentioning. This time: The play icon for the

August 29, 2022

The Entry Display Widget Gets a Makeover

The Entry Display Widget has a new look, so don’t be alarmed when you edit one and it looks different! It’s been updated to use our newer UI framework. No new functionality and all the same settings are still there, just in a different presentation. The sole exception is a new preview pane that reflects your settings such as enabling/disabling voting, showing/hiding certain fields, and other similar options.