Recent ShortStack upgrades
Here’s a look at the latest platform upgrades that have been made to ShortStack. For more details on individual enhancements, check out our blog.
Mass-deleting Entries: A Pain No More!
The “mass delete” entry feature is finally here! When you have filtered on exactly one list, you’ll see a red delete icon in the top right of the Entries Manager. You can filter on any other criteria to narrow the results before deleting. You will have to confirm the count by typing into a confirmation box – no one likes accidentally deleting entries! When the delete is done, you’ll receive an in-app notification.
Importing from Facebook Ads
So importing from Facebook Posts (both Organic and Dark) is fine and good, but what about importing comments/reactions from ads? Great news for you: importing from Facebook Ads is now possible. Do note, this is specifically for ads created in Facebook’s Ads Manager, which resides in your Facebook Business Manager.
Starting and Ending Instant Win
You can now specify a start and end time for instant win, instead of having to manually log in and make changes in the Campaign Builder. This takes care of any date-shifting issues that you may have run into in the past, and just generally makes it easier to run an Instant Win contest. Give it a try now with our Instant Win Giveaway Template.
Adding Info to Your Images
When exporting entry images as a zip file, you can now select any combination of First Name, Last Name, List Name and Campaign Name to be added to each exported image filename. For example, instead of a file being named 99999.png (generic and potentially confusing), you can have something more like 99999_John_Doe_MyList_MyCampaign.png (look at all that clarifying info)!
Export With Labels!
You can never have enough information when doing an export. Now you get even more! When exporting your entries, ShortStack now exports any labels attached to your entries. They will be exported as a comma-delimited list (label1, label2, etc.) in a single column called “Labels”.
More Accurate Email Analytics
A subtle, but important tweak for folks using our email feature: Email analytics now shows Unique Opens instead of Total Opens, which provides a more accurate measurement of how many people opened your email.