
Secrets to Successfully Selecting and Contacting Giveaway Winners

Learn the best methods for selecting and notifying winners after your next contest or giveaway.

By Jessica Miller-McNatt ・7 min read
Best Practices

Marketers love running contests and giveaways. They captivate audiences, increase engagement, and ultimately drive brand visibility. But once your contest ends, the logistics of selecting and contacting winners fairly and efficiently are crucial in maintaining a good relationship with participants and ultimately turning them into customers. 

This blog post is designed specifically to help you do just that—successfully select and contact winners in a way that will maximize the ROI of your contest or giveaway. We'll guide you through the crucial steps of choosing winners and maintain transparency and excitement throughout the process.

Why Marketers Love Running Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are more than just fun; they're strategic marketing tools that capture attention and foster interaction. They can significantly boost your brand's reach and engagement by attracting and retaining followers. When executed well, they also enhance customer loyalty by creating positive experiences with your brand.

The excitement surrounding a contest taps into people's competitive nature and natural desire to win, providing a powerful way to build brand advocacy. You can leverage the excitement generated by contests and giveaways as part of a larger marketing strategy. For example, a contest is an effective way to gather user-generated content, which can be used for effective marketing after the contest. However, to reap these benefits fully, careful planning and execution are essential.

Why Logistics Matter

The success of a giveaway hinges on meticulous logistics. From determining entry requirements to selecting winners, each step must be well-considered and transparent. A clear set of rules and a predetermined method for winner selection are crucial in maintaining the contest's integrity.

Mismanagement can lead to participant dissatisfaction and potential legal challenges. Therefore, investing time in planning logistics ensures smooth operations and enhances your brand's credibility. It's important to clearly outline the contest's terms and conditions to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes later on.

Winner Selection Methods: Which Is Right for You?

Selecting the right winner is perhaps the most sensitive part of running a contest. The method you choose should align with your contest's objectives and the expectations you set with participants. There are several methods to consider, each with merits and challenges.

When selecting a method, you'll need to weigh factors such as fairness, complexity, and the nature of the prize. By understanding each option, you can better decide which approach suits your needs and upholds your brand's values. Let's explore the various methods available to you.

Choose a Winner Using Random Entry Selection

Random entry selection is the most straightforward and impartial method, making it ideal for large-scale contests. Tools like or contest software like ShortStack offer a completely random method of selecting one or more winners. This method helps keep the process fair and unbiased. Random entry selection is excellent for building trust, as participants know the results are purely chance-based.

ShortStack’s Random Entry Picker interface

When using random selection, ensure all entries are accounted for and verified. This involves double-checking that participants followed all entry requirements. Keeping a detailed entries log can make this task easier and maintain transparency. Your contest software should offer a means to collect and store entries.

Choose One or More Winners via a Panel of Judges

For contests involving skill or creativity, a panel of judges may be preferable to a random entry selection. This method allows for a nuanced evaluation of entries based on set criteria. Judges should be briefed on these criteria beforehand to ensure consistency and fairness in their assessments.

Selecting judges with expertise related to the contest theme enhances the credibility of the selection process. Their insights can offer valuable perspectives on what makes a winning entry. Communicating the judging criteria to participants in advance can help manage expectations and foster transparency.

Choose a Winner Based on Votes

Leveraging public votes is another effective method, especially for community engagement contests. Voting encourages participants to share their entries widely, boosting your contest's reach. Platforms like ShortStack facilitate this process by enabling secure voting and vote validation.

ShortStack’s Voting Restrictions Interface

While popular, this method carries risks of vote manipulation. Implementing measures such as IP restrictions or Captcha verification can help ensure fairness. Clear guidelines about the voting process and timeline should be communicated to all participants to maintain transparency.

Choose a Combination of Judges and Votes to Deter Cheating

Combining judges' evaluations with public votes can offer a balanced approach. This method leverages the strengths of both systems while minimizing their weaknesses. Judges can shortlist entries, and the final winner can be decided by public vote or vice versa.

This hybrid approach can deter cheating, as it adds an extra layer of assessment. Clearly outlining how each component contributes to the final decision is critical for maintaining participant trust. Transparency in scoring and weightage should be maintained throughout the process.

How to Notify Your Winner

Choosing your winners is only half the battle; notifying them effectively is equally important. Ensure your notification is prompt and professional, including details about prize redemption and any further steps required to help reinforce a positive experience. Celebrating winners publicly can enhance your brand's image and encourage future participation.

Remember, whichever communication channel you select should reflect your brand's tone and the nature of your contest. Here are a few methods to consider.

Via Email

Email remains a reliable means of reaching winners, offering a personal touch. The method offers other benefits as well. For starters, it allows for detailed communication and an opportunity to engage further by inviting feedback or encouraging social media sharing. It also incentivizes the collection of valid email addresses during the entry process. In other words, if the participant submits a bogus email address, they’ll have no way of knowing whether they won. This list of valid email addresses can be used for follow-up marketing. 

Crafting a warm and exciting email subject line can grab the winner's attention amidst their busy inbox. Highlighting the prize and including a personal congratulatory message can enhance the recipient's experience.

Via Direct Message on Social Media

Direct messaging on social media is an instant and interactive way to notify winners. It's particularly effective if the contest is held on a specific platform. This method also enables real-time interaction, allowing you to address any questions the winner might have promptly.

Ensure your message is concise yet celebratory. Encourage winners to share their achievements with their followers to amplify your contest's reach. Respect privacy settings and ensure you have permission to contact participants directly on social media.

Through a Public Channel Such as a Social Media Post Announcement in an Email or Other Media

Announcing winners publicly showcases transparency and builds excitement. This method can be executed through a blog post, email newsletter, or social media announcement. It's an excellent way to acknowledge participants, ensure your audience is paying attention to your content, and encourage future engagement.

When making public announcements, highlight the winner's achievement and thank all participants. This approach fosters community and inspires others to join future contests. Ensure the winner has consented to have their name publicized before making any announcements.


Running a successful contest or giveaway requires careful planning and execution, from selecting winners to effectively notifying them. Each step is crucial in maintaining transparency, building trust, and enhancing your brand's reputation. By understanding the various methods and strategies available, you can ensure a smooth and rewarding experience for your brand and participants.

Remember, the real victory lies in the connections you build and the excitement you generate through your contests. Use these opportunities to engage with your audience, learn from their feedback, and continuously refine your approach.

About the author

By Jessica Miller-McNatt ・7 min read

Jessica Miller-McNatt has been with ShortStack for over a decade and has served in every role from Marketing Team Lead to Customer Success. Her journey in martech continues to fuel her fascination for what drives growth. Jessica's favorite weekends are spent in the North Georgia mountains, chasing waterfalls and exploring with her family.

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