
Evergreen Lead Collection Ideas for Lasting ROI

Learn how evergreen lead-gen campaigns are the "set and forget" strategy that will be working toward your marketing goals 24/7/365.

By Jessica Miller-McNatt ・5 min read
Best Practices
Business & Marketing Strategy

Keeping up with digital marketing trends can feel like running on a treadmill—constantly moving but never quite getting ahead. That’s where evergreen lead generation comes in, offering sustainable and long-lasting strategies to continually attract and convert leads. But what exactly does "evergreen" mean in this context, and how can you leverage it for your business? Let's explore.

What Does 'Evergreen' Mean in Lead Generation?

Evergreen content and campaigns are promotions and lead-gen campaigns that you can essentially “set and forget.” They’re the type of content that consistently generates interest and engagement long after its initial launch. Unlike time-sensitive promotions or seasonal content, such as giveaways, contests, or promotions that run for a set length of time, evergreen strategies are launched and left to provide value regardless of the calendar date.

For example, a blog post on "5 Ways to Get More Engagement on Your Instagram Posts" will be helpful to readers whether they discover it today or a year from now. Similarly, an evergreen lead generation campaign could involve a downloadable guide offering timeless insights into your industry. We’ll look at more types of evergreen campaigns and offer a few examples of each later. Let’s look at why you should use evergreen content as part of your marketing strategy.

Benefits of Evergreen Lead Generation Campaigns

Consistent Traffic and Leads

One of the most significant advantages of evergreen lead generation is its ability to drive consistent traffic and capture leads over an extended period. Instead of scrambling to create new campaigns every month, you can rely on a few well-crafted evergreen pieces to do the heavy lifting.


Since evergreen content continues to perform well long after it's published, you get more bang for your buck. You save resources on constant content creation and can focus on optimizing existing campaigns for better results.

Builds Authority

Evergreen content helps establish your brand as an authority in your field. When your audience knows they can rely on you for enduring and valuable insights, they are more likely to engage with your brand and become loyal customers.

Enhances SEO

Evergreen content is a boon for SEO. Search engines love content that remains relevant and attracts traffic over time. High-quality evergreen pieces are more likely to gain backlinks, rank well in search results, and maintain their positions for longer.

Evergreen Lead Collection Ideas

Now that you understand the importance and benefits of evergreen lead generation, here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Ebooks and Guides

Create comprehensive ebooks or guides on topics that are always relevant to your audience. For instance, "The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing" or "Beginner's Guide to SEO" can serve as valuable resources that attract leads year-round. 

Once you’ve created your ebook or guide, create a landing page or pop-up with a download button. As in these examples from ShortStack, make sure to gate the download button with an email capture. 


2. Webinars and Online Courses

Host webinars or online courses on evergreen topics. Record these sessions and offer them as on-demand content to capture leads continuously. Topics like "Mastering Google Analytics" or "Learn the Ropes of Points for Actions Contests" are great examples.

Here’s a template to help you build your online course. 

3. Blog Posts and Articles

Invest time in creating high-quality, in-depth blog posts and articles. Topics such as "How to Write Compelling Copy" or "7 Proven Ways to Build an Email List That Converts" will remain relevant and consistently attract organic traffic.

3. Weekly or Monthly Giveaways

The more likely someone is to win a prize, the more likely they will participate in your contest or giveaway. Offering a recurring giveaway allows you to collect leads and continuously foster engagement and brand loyalty. The data collected can be used for future marketing or to initiate a journey through a sales funnel. With good contest-building software, you can get really creative with your giveaways and include gamified elements such as a timed puzzle, or an Instant Win feature.

ShortStack’s Puzzle Game is an interactive, evergreen method of lead capture

4. Quizzes

Quizzes have become hugely popular lead generation sources because of their versatility and fun factor. Personality quizzes (think Buzzfeed-style quizzes like “Which Disney Princess Would You Be?”) can help you record insightful info about each lead. Knowledge quizzes can help you gauge what stage of a customer's buying process.  

ShortStack offers a Knowledge Quiz Template as well as a Personality Quiz Template

5. Case Studies

Case studies showcasing your successful projects and clients can serve as evergreen content. They provide real-world applications of your solutions and highlight the success and achievements experienced by other customers to build trust with potential leads.

7. Resource Libraries

Compile a library of valuable resources, such as podcasts, videos, whitepapers, and infographics. Make this library accessible in exchange for contact information, ensuring a steady stream of leads.


Evergreen lead generation is a smart strategy for small business owners, digital marketers, and entrepreneurs looking to build a sustainable and efficient lead collection system. By focusing on timeless content and campaigns, you can continue to attract and convert leads without constantly creating new material.

Ready to make your lead collection efforts evergreen? Start implementing these ideas today and watch your leads grow consistently over time. For personalized assistance, book a consultation with our experts and take the first step towards a robust, evergreen lead generation strategy.

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About the author

By Jessica Miller-McNatt ・5 min read

Jessica Miller-McNatt has been with ShortStack for over a decade and has served in every role from Marketing Team Lead to Customer Success. Her journey in martech continues to fuel her fascination for what drives growth. Jessica's favorite weekends are spent in the North Georgia mountains, chasing waterfalls and exploring with her family.

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