
8 Best ShortStack Features for Agencies

ShortStack is a trusted marketing platform for agencies, offering customizable content creation, custom services, hosting, collaboration, and more.

By Jessica Miller-McNatt ・5 min read
Agency Tips
ShortStack Tips & Tricks

Whether your client base represents a vast smorgasbord of industries or your services better serve a market niche, it's imperative that you’re able to deliver on whatever requests come your way.Thousands of agencies have trusted ShortStack to be their go-to for contests, giveaways, hashtag campaigns, quizzes, landing pages, and pretty much whatever other interactive digital content you can dream up. And for good reason - ShortStack offers the features that agencies rely on most.If you’re in search of an all-in-one marketing platform to build content for your clients, you’ve probably noticed the gamut of digital marketing platforms out there. When shopping around, pay particular attention to the platforms that offer these eight agency-friendly features.

Full Customization

If you’re a designer from the old school and have built your websites from scratch, you can probably appreciate this heyday of content management systems like Wordpress, Joomla and Shopify. However, as much as a website or landing page template and builder can save you time, most professional designers still rely on their HTML and CSS skills to get their design to 100%. Your contest, giveaway and landing page builder should offer this same flexibility, and ShortStack gives you the ‘keys to the kingdom’ to customize any aspect of the campaign you need.Much like other CMSs, ShortStack allows you to start with a template, but every aspect of ShortStack templates are completely customizable. Use the built-in style controls to get your design right, and then add your own CSS to get it juuuust right.ShortStack also allows you to add JavaScript, jQuery, or any coding language for custom functionality. Image Block Example

ShortStack's flexibility allows you to create landing pages out of the box, or add your own code and stylingIf you just need to customize some of the basics - button CTAs, form submit messages, text, background images, colors, fonts (just to name a few) - ShortStack has made these customization options simple. Therefore, everyone, regardless of coding knowledge or design expertise, can create something that looks professional.

Custom Services

It’s great when your client wants to try something new and different, but when their imagination sparks a marketing idea that’s just outside of your skill level, it can put you in a bit of a crux - you can’t confidently execute their request, but also can’t afford to turn their business away and risk losing them as a client forever. The solution? Outsource their request to a team of professionals.ShortStack offers custom services to build whatever campaign your client is asking for. Even if you have the skills, but just don’t have the time, working with ShortStack puts a team of graphic designers, content marketers and software engineers at your fingertips. And fast too - the normal turnaround time for a ShortStack custom build is about seven to 10 days.

ShortStack offers custom services to build whatever campaign your client is asking for

Hosting and Data Security

We’ve all had to say goodbye to a client for one reason or another, but when you’re the one initiating the breakup, what do you do with the websites and landing pages you’ve been hosting for them? Finding a new home for their digital content can be nothing short of a nightmare. This is just one of the many things that can go wrong when burdened with hosting pages and content for clients.ShortStack takes the hosting burden off your shoulders. Whatever you build, publish it with just a few clicks. The content will live on the web safe and sound, independent of you. And our uptime is 99.99%.ShortStack is also serious about data security. All collected data is stored on AWS servers which are housed in data centers that are PCI-compliant and meet or exceed ISO 9000 standards. We will never sell your data or the data you collect with our platform.

The content will live on the web safe and sound, independent of you. And our uptime is 99.99%.

Team Collaboration

We’ve all done it - played musical licenses with software subscriptions. But, when more than one person has login credentials to a single software subscription it can make project management a bit of a nightmare.With ShortStack, teams can work collaboratively on campaigns along with their colleagues. ShortStack for Teams has a unique parent/child format that allows team managers to give access to specific assets (campaigns, media, etc.) to other team members. You can remove a member’s access or transfer asset ownership at any time.

Work collaboratively with ShortStack for TeamsCommunal login credentials aren’t great for a lot of reasons, but security is at the top of the list. With ShortStack, team managers not only have control over what team members can access but also how much access they have. For example, give a client View Only access so they can view their campaign’s analytics, but provide Admin access to your staff so they can edit and make changes to the campaign.

You determine with team members have access to which assets

White-Labeled Campaigns

As an agency, when billing clients for your services, there’s no need to advertise the time-saving, cost-reducing tools you used to get their project done. But not all services that advertise a white-label feature are created equal. Whatever platform you’re using, make sure you can remove any trace of branding.ShortStack offers a full-white label option. Customize everything from the campaign’s domain to the favicon to keep your resale of ShortStack services on the hush.


As digital content continues to evolve, safeguarding personal data is a valid concern. In response to this, legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act, and most recently, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has been passed.Although these new laws serve an important role, who has the time to keep current on the nitty-gritty of each new policy? When using software that handles your email marketing, you’ll want to know that the emails you send are in full compliance. ShortStack’s automated email features have measures in place to keep you from breaking the rules.

Data Storage

When the number of contests, giveaways and landing pages you build is compounded by the number of clients you work with, ample data storage is a must. With ShortStack, store and organize lists with unlimited form entries, store unlimited media assets, and build an unlimited number of campaigns (you read that right - unlimited!).

Collect and manage your data with easeBut what good is data storage if you can never find the campaign, list, or image you’re looking for? ShortStack makes it easy to keep your assets organized with the use of tags. Use client-specific tags to label assets making retrieval as simple as a quick search.

Cost Savings & Flexible Pricing

ShortStack offers various plans to fit any business’ budget, but has a plan specifically suited for agencies. And although many SaaS brands make their money from requiring lengthy contract commitments, ShortStack subscriptions can be cancelled at any time or even paused for up to 90 days.You’ll save a ton of money by not paying for a subscription you aren’t using, but the real cost savings comes from the number of clients you’re able to use your subscription for. Since campaign builds are unlimited under any of ShortStack’s Plans the more campaigns you resell to your clients, the higher ROI you’ll get back on your one monthly (or annual) payment.In 2021, make it a goal to sell more contests, quizzes, landing pages, and whatever other digital content you can dream up. You’ll not only help your clients grow their business, but ShortStack’s agency-friendly features will also help you build content cost-effectively and professionally while you take all of the credit.

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About the author

By Jessica Miller-McNatt ・5 min read

Jessica Miller-McNatt has been with ShortStack for over a decade and has served in every role from Marketing Team Lead to Customer Success. Her journey in martech continues to fuel her fascination for what drives growth. Jessica's favorite weekends are spent in the North Georgia mountains, chasing waterfalls and exploring with her family.

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